Thursday 6 January 2011

A thought on anonymity

I havent really done blogging before - not since the term got invented - and in recent years Ive had big problems trying to overcome some initial problems that are inherent in its very nature, especially with the state of the internet today - namely anonymity (or lack thereof).

Now, I'm someone who likes to stand by what they say. The problem is feedback - if you say something to someone face to face they have a chance to reply. As well as this you yourself know what you have said to a specific individual and can avoid certain topics, or change or continue them if appropriate. The difficulty comes when you dont know who has heard what you have to say and you have no way of responding to something that may have been misunderstood.

The internet makes the issue a very difficult one to get around - especially with social pages such as facebook, twitter and so on where you are encouraged (in fact, do not have a choice but to) to attribute your name to everything you say. Have a problem with a certain aspect of society? Well, you better watch your mouth cos someone might disagree - read what you have said, not even tell you that theyve read it, but from then on hold a prejudice against you. And thats only with friends - what about work colleagues, family members etc? By making an off-the-cuff remark, you may well have offended a lot of people, with no way of telling, endangering friendships for no need and maybe even losing your job!

So what do we do? All bite our lip? Stick to updating only about what we're having for dinner, or how drunk you were last night? Well, thats the safe way - and safe can be all well and good and is the right way forward in most common social situations. But in the long term is it good? I would say not at all. What real progress comes from never challenging what other people and you yourself understand. I dont believe you should have to follow the route of a journalist or politician, socialist or theorist to get out your thoughts. It doesnt have to be an all-encompassing lifestyle and career choice to have serious thoughts and discussions about various important and unimportant matters, yet so many people see things this way.

So how do we get around this? Well, I could have started this blog with my real name attached. In fact, I will probably give the address to some close friends - even if I posted it on Facebook that would be ok because of two factors - creating an appropriate environment for discussion (you can choose to come in, and you should know what to expect - rather than coming across some shocking statement/status update whilst eating your cereal), and direct traceability - by not smearing your name everywhere, you avoid severe repercussions and misrepresentation. It makes me laugh when people make broad sweeping statements, right next to their name and above the name of the company they work for!

So where has this come from? Well, from around 2001-2005/6 I would post online journals, and participate on online forums - back when I as many others did had an online persona to hide behind. However around this time I started univeristy people I knew in person would have access to what I was writing, and with a career to pursue it became increasingly difficult to find a point to or a place to put random musings (or waffling, as is often the case). As well as this, I know myself well enough to know I have two sides - one side being frivelous, dumb and really doesnt give a shit - who scorns at people taking themselves too seriously. The other being someone who gets very involved in things, wants to learn and wants a depth to life. The two flip over broad daily, weekly and monthly tangents, and when im in the latter mood I really feel like I need to DO something with my time on earth, my ideas and my ability to do so whilst I have it.

I guess I would do it because whilst I had friends in person its not always easy to talk about whats really on your mind - in the day-to-day chilled out frivelous joviality of friendship, when is there really an opportunity to talk about things with substance? The chance appears occassionally but often not often enough, or with the right timing.

To quote: "Ideas won't keep. Something must be done about them." - Alfred North Whitehead

Some things need to be written down. Even if 99% of what I think and write is drivel (and the other 1% probably just borrowed from someone much smarter), its drivel ideas that need to be sorted out in my head and put somewhere in order to create new ones, and to do something about the ones I have. The brain doesnt work quick enough to be able to develop real things in a flash - it needs a space.

Its way too easy to get caught up in your own little world of 'whats for dinner?', seeing friends, drinking, how much money youre earning etc etc. And its also way too easy to get driven to unwilling distraction by endless reams of pointless TV, trashy books and games. All so easy that you can forget theres so much more to the world - so much more you can do with your time.

Hopefully this will be the start of a productive, therapeutic and interesting blog. If nothing else it will certainly be interesting to re-read in years to come!

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